Tuesday 14 February 2012

Week 4 Rubbish Diet Challenge

Smug. What a horrible word.
But it describes me rather well at the moment, when peering into the bin.

Have a look yourself:

Contents of our general waste bin Week 4 of the Rubbish Diet Challenge
I'm taking part in the Rubbish Diet for 8 weeks, and halfway through, we're down to a lot of recycling, but only half a black plastic bag in the general waste bin!
Our cardboard collection is monthly over the winter, and was crammed full!

I'm particularly glad it's not a lot this week, because I know that it is going to landfill. Normally in North East Lincolnshire we can be somewhat soothed by the fact that general waste doesn't get buried underground but incinerated and converted to energy and steam. Not ideal, and highly controversial, but also not preserved for generations to come. However every year the plant has a shut down to clean, perform maintenance and safety checks. And that time is now. Mostly the contents include : plastic trays (not marked at all for what type of plastic is being used), plastic bottle tops (not recyclable), tissues, and some melon that was forgotten about and not at all tasty, but I did try to eat some! I feel an angry letter coming on to my supermarket about plastics.

So, if you're a resident in our area, why not take up a Rubbish Diet Challenge yourselves? Now's as good a time as any.
And if you know your waste goes to landfill, think on what a legacy we're leaving.

This week's topic to tackle is household chores.. hmmm.... further into the bin we go!
Ah well, I promised to be honest!

Let's Waste Less.


  1. Yay! Go you; I'm feeling smug on your behalf too - that's a fantastic achievement. Now for a zero waste celebratory reward for yourself; what are you going to plan?

    Rae aka mrs green @myzerowaste

  2. Thanks @Rae! I think my reward is tiffin .. nom nom nom! See my latest blog post for the recipe ;)
