Thursday, 23 December 2010

Merry Christmas!

Only two days to go...

Check out this Christmas tree made of 5,480 recycled bottles displayed in Haifa, Israel!

So, how can we Reduce, Reuse and Recycle this Christmas?

As we well know, it's all about planning ahead. Have a really good check on the dates of food already in the fridge, and on the shelves before you buy more. If the time until the use by date isn't very long, then plan to make space in the freezer, or don't buy it.

I've tried to use decorative bags instead of wrapping paper, as they can definitely be saved for next year. There's some question over whether we can include wrapping paper in the recycling - so it's best just to avoid it altogether! I heard a lovely story of a mother receiving her gift, wrapped in a beautiful scarf, which is another great idea!

At our New Year's eve party, my recycling boxes will be on display. Any guests who finish a tin or a glass bottled drink can drop them straight in. My partner has also had a go at brewing his own beer this year, so that cuts out loads of packaging!

On 12th night I'll be chopping up the Christmas cards, to make more next year, and the scraps will go in the paper recycling. The decorations will be stored away for next year - including the tree. Of course if you've got a real tree, you could try to plant it again, or chop it up for composting.

Let's try to avoid festive mess, and waste less.
See you in 2011.

Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Snow and ice and all things not so nice

Unfortunately our Council has had to suspend door to door waste collections this past week, due to this icy weather.
I know I certainly wouldn't like to have a lorry skidding about down narrow streets!

I'm sure it will certainly bring home to people how much waste we actually do accumulate when it's piled up at home or in the garden instead of being whisked away.
The one big problem with having a door to door collection is that people don't have to think very far past their own front door when considering where waste actually goes when we throw something 'away'.

I know I've been thinking hard about how life would be if this kind of weather was here to stay. For a start we'd probably have our own fires in back gardens again, to thaw out, and get rid. That's one of the options in North East Lincolnshire, as our waste collections are taken to the Energy fromWaste site in Stallingborough. Although the heat energy is captured from this fire, and the steam and heat is used to create electricity.

My picture was taken the other day, when I lifted up our patio furniture to find these rather pretty icicles. Could make for a painful seat though!

Well, if the post still doesn't get through then it's e-cards for everyone, cutting down on even more waste! Maybe I'll use this picture on the front? Have an 'ice' Christmas, stay warm and stay safe!